Seestadt-Saga is a walk-in immersive-theatrical social media series produced by Schauspielhaus Wien. Over two seasons we follow the social media channels of various protagonists whose common ground is their place of residence – Seestadt Aspern. The events of a week were summarized in a filmic recap video and the storylines were further developed live by authors in the Writers Room of the Schauspielhaus Vienna. This resulted in an interactive theater experience penned by Bernhard Studlar, Lorenz Langenegger and Tomas Schweigen, by a multimedia team made up of filmmakers, actors and residents of Seestadt, directed by Tomas Schweigen, Klara Rabl and Ivna Zic.
You can find all recap videos and more information on
Storylining and Scripting
- Tomas Schweigen, Bernhard Studlar, Lorenz Langenegger
Artistic Director
- Tomas Schweigen
- Tomas Schweigen, Klara Rabl, Ivna Zic
Head of Production
- Klara Rabl
- Carla Gabriel, Alexander Tilling, Kira Koplin, Philipp Stögmüller
Writers Room
- Bernhard Studlar, Lorenz Langegger, Tomas Schweigen, Muhammet Ali Bas, Marc Carnal, Miroslava Svolikova, Claudia Tondl, Vera von Gunten, Sebastian Schindegger, Nicola von Leffern, Ivna Zic
Assistants Writers Room
- Carla Gabriel, Nina Metzger
- Patrick Wally, Nicola von Leffern
- Jacob Suske
Set Design
- Stephan Weber, Moritz Marx, Arne Leibnitz
Set Consultants
- Stephan Weber
Graphic Design
- Giovanna Bolliger
- Vera von Gunten, Jesse Inman, Antonia Jung, Jaschka Lämmert, Nicola von Leffern, Sebastian Schindegger, Anton Widauer, Oktay Günes, Arvin Lehner, Doina Weber, Philipp Stögmüller, Sophie Slabschi, Maximilian Reichert
- Schauspielhaus Wien 2017/2018