The internet was once a civilization promise of equality and respect. Today it is dominated by fake news, filter bubbles and hate speech. „Feed The Troll“ puts an overdue end to digital infamy. In this hypermedial battle piece directed by Klara Rabl, the performers Sonja Kreibich, Karoline Kucera and Aline Kunisch deconstruct and reconstruct the Internet utopia and reveal an insane cyber-feminist intervention the all female team has been working on for the past year that, in addition to troll armies and hate posters, also defeats patriarchy.
If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the theater.
We are rebuilding our digital utopia. We are reclaiming digital public space from trolls and haters. As Digital Natives we are disappointed by the promised virtual space of free speech and democratic ideals. You never had the right to claim this space. We are furious. We will tear down your echo chambers. As ‚Feed the Troll‘ we are starting our movement. We have a plan, we have a weapon.
Find more information on feedthetroll.at (german)
Feed the troll! Be part! Unite!
funded by the Cultural Department Vienna, Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts and Culture, Content Vienna and the Municipal Department of Women’s Affairs Vienna (MA 57).
- Feed the Troll
- Mai 2020 WERK X-Petersplatz